Quality Botanical Art & Affordable Prices

Vorobik Botanical Art

P.O. Box 866, Lopez Island, WA 98261. 510-520-2423. vorobik@gmail.com

All images on this site copyright Linda Ann Vorobik unless otherwise stated; Use granted only with written permission.




Lilium washingtonianum watercolor by Vorobik

click on image for entire view

Western Tiger Lily

Lilium columbianum-click on image for entire view

Family: Liliaceae

Original: 8 by 10 inches framed; $300, SOLD

Cards ~ 5 by 7 inches, on watercolor paper with a deckled edge


Western Tiger Lily or Columbian Tiger Lily (Lilium columbianum)
Liliaceae ~ Lily Family

Found from low elevation coastal forests (Douglas Fir to the north; Coast Redwood in the southernmost part of its range) to the subalpine in Washington and British Columbia (the northernmost part of its range). Compared to Lilium pardalinum, a lily with similar flowers, the tepals of L. columbianum reflex "half" way, so that the part of the flower connecting to the flower stalk is clearly in view.
Large showy lilies are in cultivation, and should never be picked or otherwise collected from the wild.
Do purchase from a nursery, and try them in your garden!